Tree of Life Singing Bowls
Tree of Life Singing Bowls
Tree of Life Singing Bowls
Tree of Life Singing Bowls
Mystique Crystals

Tree of Life Singing Bowls

Regular price $55.00 $0.00 Unit price per

Calming ○ Grounding ○ Inspiring ○ Life

The Tree of Life is your connection to Mother Earth and a reminder that we depend on her to flourish & grow. Everything in the world is intertwined & this is shown through its roots that spread into the ground symbolising internal strength, its trunk symbolising life itself & its branches that spread towards the sky symbolising the future. The Tree of Life is grounding, calming & inspiring. Being a universal symbol that transcends religions & cultures, there is no one group that can claim the symbol as their own.

Singing bowls are a type of bell that produce a rich, deep tone when played. This promotes relaxation and also offers powerful healing properties.

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